today after extra class,me,kuan,man,zhin,seng went to tesco by man's car.
after we reached,we were shocked!SO MANY PEOPLE!!
bought ticket time:11.45pm
thn we seperate~
me,man,kuan,wah went to popular and buy something useless :pp
thn we went to A&W for our lunch~!
have my fried onion rings with 1/2 cup of rootbeer which share with wah wah~
on time,we went back to cinema and bought my pepsi =33
after that,we went inside the cinema ..
we watched 笑着回家
better dont watch it ;(
wasted my rm12
after tat,went back home also by man's car =3
went back home.sleep straight away and thn go tuition==
hey you madefarker! KNOW WHAT?!I FARKING HATE YOUR FARKING ATTITUDE! NOT EVERY SORRY CAN CHANGE BACK A WORD "NEVER MIND"! want me to forgive you?NO WAY! du lan me at the 1st time and wants me to forgive after that?du lan du lan lar!so what?it's my mouth isn't yours!now i knw why jia min will du lan you last year!cause of your STUPID ATTITUDE!